Growing Up Creative Reviews & Endorsements
“I highly recommend Growing Up Creative to all parents and teachers. In addition to providing important lessons on how creativity, wonder, and the joy of learning can be instilled in children, it points to important changes in how we ought to think about teaching and learning in schools and at home.”
–Albert Shanker, President of The American Federation of Teachers
“This is a book that should be read by all parents of young children, teachers, and school principals before it’s too late – too late for the children much of society seems intent upon turning into uncreative cogs rather than the leaders and the doers all children, not merely the ‘gifted,’ potentially can become.”
–Robert Mills, Booklist
“This is an important book – the new benchmark for creativity in children. Teresa Amabile’s theme of intrinsic creativity is both powerful and practical, brilliant and fascinating. Growing Up Creative is essential for everyone concerned with human originality.”
–Robert Lawrence Kuhn, Editor in Chief of Handbook for Creative and Innovative Managers
“Most people believe that ‘creativity’ is just something you have or don’t have, like blue eyes. Dr. Amabile shows that creativity depends on enthusiasm, motivation, persistence – and a supportive environment. Parents should read this book as faithfully as they read Dr. Spock, and they and their children will benefit.”
–Carol Travis, Ph.D., Author of Anger:The Misunderstood Emotion